One in six U.S. adults - nearly 36 million people - have low “basic” skills in key areas such as literacy, numeracy, and problem solving--skills which are critical for success in the workplace.

A lack of soft skills sets workers up for failure - job loss, short-term employment and lack of advancement - and costs employers more money with higher turnover rates and lower customer satisfaction.

Workplace Ready learning modules are accessible and engaging for today's workers. The program is customizable, cost effective and offers certification.

Workplace Ready learning modules teach 24 core skills identified by national experts, of which 5 modules are currently available.

Workplace Ready self-paced modules are available to every agency, Workforce Investment Board, employer and school across the Commonwealth of Virginia.

The program is turnkey – modules come with instructional guides, materials and lesson plans. And, they are aligned with the certification requirements employed across the state and nation, so once an employee successfully completes a training module, they are prepared for certification assessments with organizations such as NOCTI, SkillsUSA and ACT.


How this works for employers

The modules are self-paced and customizable so your company's subject matter experts can work with the WHRO education team to develop the right solution for your employees. Schools, post-secondary institutions, workforce agencies, employers, and other organizations that provide work readiness instruction can download and use our online modules at no cost.

Module content has been developed based on a curriculum created by the Wheldon Cooper Center at the University of Virginia and correlated with criteria employed by national assessment organizations such as NOCTI, ACT, WorkKeys®, SkillsUSA and Cetecs that provide certification in workplace readiness.

To learn more contact: email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or
call 757-889-9305.